

罗马是地球上最不可思议的城市之一. It was once the capital of the world and stands at the center of the University of Mary's Christian, 天主教, 和本笃会传统. 走过烈士走过的街道, 看看皇帝宫殿的废墟, 欣赏米开朗基罗和卡拉瓦乔的作品, 参观圣本笃本人居住过的地方.

在立博中文版, 我们的目标是教育我们的学生如何成为为真理服务的领导者, and they can come to know and understand the truth about the world and themselves through a living encounter with history and faith at the very heart of Christianity. Come study 在罗马 and have a first-hand encounter with everything that makes the University of Mary "joyfully Christian, 忠实的天主教徒, 感谢本笃会."

本杰明·赫尔吉特,21岁,就读于立博中文版罗马校区. 在这个视频中, he shares about his experience studying 在罗马 and also traveling through Europe during his time abroad.

在罗马留学是我经历过的最具影响力的经历! 罗马提供了一种氛围, 让我最大的梦想成真, 我的学习成为现实, 让我的激情蓬勃发展! 罗马永远是你心中的一部分.



Spend a semester or a summer studying in the heart of Italy, the “Eternal City” of 罗马!”

  • A home to call your own in a quiet neighborhood, just a bus ride from Saint Peter's Square.
  • 一个集学术、信仰和社区为一体的项目.
  • 在秋天和春天, 学费, 房间, 在罗马的伙食费和在主校区的是一样的, 奖学金和经济援助奖仍然适用. All you need to do is cover 学术旅行的项目费用, buy your plane ticket, and go!
    如果你计划在五月期间在罗马呆一个月,联系一下 全球研究办公室 定价.

你还在等什么? 是时候在罗马注册一个学期或一个月了. 让我们去! 或者用意大利人的话说,“安迪亚莫”!”

In continuity with our founding mission to prepare young people for leadership in the service of truth, our 罗马 campus seeks to offer our students a unique opportunity for academic growth and personal development. 无论你是在学习医学专业, 教育, 业务, 或生物, 在罗马, you will work toward fulfilling courses from the university's core curriculum in a dynamic international setting created especially for you.

在教室里, you'll be invited into an engaging environment that pays particular attention to the way the lessons of history, 人类理性的伟大成就, and the light of Divine revelation allows us to see more clearly how we might respond to the pressing questions facing humanity today.

但教室仅仅是个开始. 在罗马时, the ideas and ideals introduced in class are brought to life outside the class房间 in an encounter with the world of the Italian people and culture. 就是这次相遇, 和其他任何经历都不一样, 这为学生们提供了一个审视自己内心和思想的环境, 这样他们就能更清晰地听到自己的人生召唤.


由慈善使女管理,阿尔·卡萨莱托,一个历史性的 ferie之家 (“holiday house”) in the quiet neighborhood of Monteverde Nuovo, houses our 罗马 campus. 您将从梵蒂冈城和罗马市中心乘坐很短的巴士. 查看罗马校园地图

所有房间都有私人浴室和淋浴,以及高速互联网. 我们的校园包括学习区, 一个图书馆, 教室空间, 户外康乐场地, 生机勃勃的花园, 还有一个小教堂.


学生可能会去 参加一个学期或一个月的暑期项目,名为“罗马五月”.


Students are eligible to study in Italy after a semester at Mary and must be in attendance at least one semester immediately prior to participating.

参加是一种特权,并且需要立博中文版的批准. 只有学术和行为表现良好的学生才有资格申请.

Students should have a lively interest in the liberal arts and the intellectual tradition of Western civilization. Preference is given to sophomores and students who have a declared major or minor in the 天主教 studies program. 名额有限,每学期只招收35名学生.


在秋季和春季学期, 房间费用, 董事会, 学费和我们的俾斯麦校区一样. 所有奖学金和经济援助都适用于这些项目的费用. 往返机票由学生自理, 学术旅行的项目费用, 在周末的私人旅行和吃饭上花钱.

成本管理方式不同 罗马Maymester. 一定要和他们谈谈 全球研究协调员 了解定价.


该计划以核心课程中的专业课程为特色. 课程内容包括历史、神学、艺术史、意大利语和哲学. Class房间 days are coupled with excursions into the center of 罗马 where students will have special access to the hidden excavations under St. Peter's Basilica, the treasures of the Vatican Museum, and even an audience with Pope Francis. 但在罗马城外, students will also venture out into the Italian countryside where they will encounter those places shaped more directly by the life of Saint Benedict himself. 真正的, students who study have a first-hand encounter with everything that makes the University of Mary "joyfully Christian, 忠实的天主教徒, 感谢本笃会."


每周都有课,所以很多周末都有时间去旅游. Student travel in Europe, if carefully planned, can be exciting and relatively inexpensive.


在星期三, students gather together with the campus chaplains and seminarians from the North American College, 体验立博中文版罗马大学校园的核心, 地理隔离种. Students come together first around the Lord's Table for a joyful celebration of the Mass, 然后, 一边吃传统的意大利餐,一边交换故事,重新联系彼此.


The University of Mary is committed to ever-higher levels of intellectual and cultural engagement for its students and advocates for leadership development in a global environment. The goal is for students to have a rich experience of other cultures and ways of life. This is a unique opportunity for them to experience great beauty and wonder firsthand in the cradle of the Christian faith and our Benedictine values. Students who take this opportunity seriously will return home with an entirely new vision for life and its purpose.

A Day in the Life of a University of Mary 罗马 Campus Student: Making 罗马 Your 首页town


In the morning you can head over to the breakfast 房间 to enjoy a simple Italian breakfast of bread, 果酱, 还有一杯美味的卡布奇诺.


在课堂上,你会学到罗马帝国晚期的衰败和衰落. Then the class will head out into the city coming face-to-face with what everyone just encountered in the class房间.


Students eat in a private dining 房间 where they enjoy an authentic Italian meal: pasta alla norcina, 烤鸡和迷迭香土豆, 新鲜的水果, 等.


带着零食和背包去城市吧. You and your friends hop on the 8 Tram that runs from the Via del Casaletto into the heart of the city. 你在课堂上学到的意大利语将在你探索这座城市时派上用场.


你和你的朋友们正在寻找一幅著名的画,圣. 卡拉瓦乔的《立博中文版》,艺术史课上要用的. 手里拿着地图, you walk your way from Largo Argentina to San Luigi dei Francesi where the painting can be found. 在你去的路上, you take a drink at one of the many small fountains that run throughout the city of 罗马, 仍在通过古罗马水渠的巧妙设计工作. 在你为这幅画的论文做了笔记之后, you and your friends settle onto the steps of a church in a nearby piazza to do a bit of reading for class the next day.


走回有轨电车的路上, 你和你的朋友遇到了一群来自另一所大学的美国学生. They tell you that last weekend they took the train to Milan and saw the Duomo and Da Vinci's The Last Supper and that you simply can't miss it. 他们会告诉你他们坐了哪趟火车, 以及他们在那里过夜的旅馆.


你跳上电车,回到罗马校区附近. 回家前, 你注意到你的几个同学在当地的一家商店里享用意式冰淇淋,就加入了他们. After a long day, you fall exhausted into bed, wondering what surprises the next day will hold!



  • 100-level Italian Language and 文化 course (3 credits, liberal arts core elective)
  • 121年艺术 意大利艺术 (3学分,艺术核心)
  • CTH/PHI 210寻找幸福(3学分,伦理核心)
  • THE/CTH 234班尼迪克:昨天和今天(3学分, 神学核心或“THE 200或以上”核心选修课)
  •  HIS/CLA 311《立博中文版官网》(3学分,文科核心选修课) 


  • THE/CTH 234 -本尼迪克特:昨天和今天(3学分)

我在罗马和欧洲的经历让我看到了世界有多大. 罗马历史悠久,是一场永无止境的冒险. 想到这里是世界上最神圣的地方,真是太疯狂了.



现在的学生可以申请罗马项目,通过访问 罗马门户 在我的.umary.Edu和使用自助注册链接. 使用您的UMary凭证登录并开始!


To learn more, click the buttons below or contact the 全球研究办公室 at 701-355-8010.